(770) 821-1614

Introducing DynaKrypt®

DynaKrypt®: The Definitive Answer

DynaKrypt® takes cybersecurity to where it has always intended to be. An absolute answer to knowing your information is anonymous and secure.

Completely Unique and Differentiated
  • While other companies deter or slow-down hackers, DynaKrypt® completely stops hackers in their tracks.
  • Patent-pending DynaKrypt® takes the entire cybersecurity field to a whole new level.

DynaKrypt® Features:

Parametric Encryption

Parametric Encryption involves combining the properties of symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods together and use them at the same time to create an encryption method with zero recognizable patterns. In other words, one cannot attack something that shapeshifts into different forms and said forms are independent of each other.

AI Features

DynaKrypt® also has a built-in Al component that allows the program to learn from each encryption and decryption of data and communications.

Encryption Key Length

DynaKrypt® offers a complex and unique 13-million-bit key length.

Next Generation Cybersecurity

Achieved Purpose

DynaKrypt® protects your information while fully stopping hackers in their tracks. Competitors do the job sometimes. DynaKrypt® does the job all the time.

Next Level Design

DynaKrypt® offers a 13-million-bit key length. The key length split includes 4 million bits on the public/private key, 8 million bits on a custom key, and a 1-million-bit secret key system. When combined, the security design creates the ultimate security protection.


DynaKrypt®'s 40 features offer advanced security and flexibility. No competitor offers as many flexible and impregnable security features addressing impromptu security features or differentiated security levels as DynaKrypt® does.

Addressing Threats

Brute force executed by quantum or supercomputers cannot find DynaKrypt®'s key because the key is not tied to the original program. This distinction completely differentiates DynaKrypt® from BlowFish, AES, and other cryptographic algorithms.